-in Revelations it says Babylon is the most sinful place on Earth
-it also says 'Babylon has Fallen''
-BABYLON- l live in the BAY of PLENTY
-at the top of a slope were a line of tall trees
-one had a split down it. With the bark on levels and shaped. Like in 1985 I daydreamed at the top of a slope. Was a large tree. The base of the tree. It's BUTTON like parts. And an area of bark off the base
-the damaged tree at Botanical Road the bark areas at the base were like what I daydreamed up in 1985
-Babylon has Fallen- maybe partly referring to the tree
-I was biking home I passed BOTANICAL Road
-I have my 'Captain Marvel' powers in me. Me Billy BATSON
-like to say they are in my real body
-BOTANICAL means a substance obtained from a PLANT and typically used in MEDICINAL / MIRACLE or cosmetic products
-Medicinal- I picked my super hero powers
-Cosmetic- I picked my appearance and personality