Wednesday, September 18, 2024


 -the two splits maybe coming out of me

-looking like comics creator Rob Liefeld

-and actor Kyle Lowder

-having sex, fighting crime and doing miracles

-although as them if real even though I would have had sex many times

-I might never have got anyone pregnant


-like a MANHOOD test

-as these two I might have had the power of God


-God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Ghost

-by repeating over and over

-Bop Bup Bup. The three words looking the same like all or most of the Holy Trinity might look the same. God, God and God

-no threat too from

-2 versions of Satan

-COMICS creator Stan Lee and COMICS reader who went to the world of the DC Comics' WW2 super-heroes


-the electric chainsaw tracks like saying there is no threat from All STAR Squadron


-I had no children from sex from either version of them

-maybe because once the split of me had ended. The sperm disappeared too 

Friday, August 9, 2024

Over and Over

 -the splits of me that come out of me looking like comics creator Rob Liefeld and actor Kyle Lowder

-in them I might be able to do any miracle. Right up to the power of God. But not Heaven and Hell or very close to Earth

-these might come out. For 12 hours in the day of New Zealand time for one. Then 12 hours during New Zealand's darker hours. The other split comes out of me

-they fight crime. Do almost any powerful miracle. Maybe both of their miracles cover from the start of all time. Extending around the edges of the Universe. As much as they want

-they fight crime with their power of miracles to do anything

-Liefeld wears a He-Man costume like in the 1987 film Masters of the Universe

-Lowder wears a white towel around his waist

-they have sex with males and maybe married females. Finding them with their miracle powers

-getting both males and females pregnant

-probably often finding someone and forcing themselves on them. Getting them pregnant if they want to

-even young boys

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Down Under Land

 -in 1991 I had a dream of across the landscape only small white wrecked spaceships

-I turned it in to a TV series idea and TV3 said they carefully considered making it

-maybe the wrecked spaceships represent all over Earth

-powerless closed stores and homes

-the wrecked spaceships. Saying my idea to create a copy of my home inside a Tardis each person can have

-might fail

-the two super-heroes splits that come out of me. Me in the body of Rob Liefeld or Kyle Lowder

-LOWDER as in DOWN UNDER LAND. The words match LOWER and his whole surname is a breakdown of this

-LIEFELD as in LIE in FIELD. About 1975 I was in paddocks at the end of my Street

-there was a DITCH with LYING in it in the FIELD

-the full skeleton of a man

-the dead white skeleton like white powerless stores and homes

Wednesday, April 24, 2024


 -in about 2012 at night I streaked around the block. As I was leaving my drive a woman across the Street by D&G Flats yelled at me. D&G like saying GOD in reverse. As I ran I pulled my shoulders back and pulled my stomach in. Like for the body I want and the super hero powers. Maybe that time I streaked around the block set me up with them. My shoulders pulled back and my stomach pulled in. Like D and G reflect. D and G like I have the power of God. Me running naked. Like me with the power of God, doing miracles, fighting crime, having sex. From my earliest seen point a slide of me as a toddler standing naked in full. I have been doing these since then. And in paddocks in a ditch about 1975. Lying the full skeleton of a man. Also naked. I do these until the day I die. D and G. Me looking like Rob Liefeld and Kyle Lowder. Revealing costumes for each of them. I ran around the block naked. Pulling my shoulders back and stomach in. The powers and body like my shoulders pulled back and my stomach pulled in

Kyle Lowder

Images of Kyle Lowder